When you reach one challenge you start looking for the next.  At least I do.

And after reaching 100 non stop pushups on my 60th birthday the next challenge was always going to be a 200 pushups challenge.  Part of the challenge for me is not to overdo things due to my age but at the same time, not to limite my goals because of my age.  So my challenge to you is to find challenges that are appropriate for your age and your skill level.    


When doing large numbers of pushups you have to go fast which means form can suffer.  There are different views on form but my personal goal at 61 (not achieved here) is elobws at right angles and shoulders to elbows parallel with the floor.   

Pushups Questions & Answers

Personal Opinion by Geoff Holding

If you're just starting you should only do pushups every second day with 2 days off after 5 days. For example: Monday, Wednesday, Friday with the weekends off. Keep in mind these three words: Routine, Recovery, Repeat. If you are recovered from the routine you did yesterday then you can repeat today. But you need to be able to repeat week after week. If you cannot, then increase recovery time or decrease total reps but maintain three training sessions per week.

If you are a beginner or even experience and want to improve, the first thing you need to do is to find your starting point. The best way to do this is to use our FREE pushups plan calculator. Please CLICK HERE now and you will be guided through setting up a personalised pushups programme that matches your skill level.

Pushups require you to use the following muscles: shoulders (front, side and rear deltoids), chest (pectoral muscles) and triceps (lateral, medial and long heads). But they also put demands on the glutes, lowerback, lats, traps, rhombus, abdominals, obliques, thighs and calves in different degrees. Pushups are a great all body workout, especially when you mix up your routines with different types of pushups.

If only? While your abdominal muscles are used when you do pushups (just as with a plank) doing large numbers of pushups will NOT give you a six pack, or abs. If you want a six pack you need to do two main things: focused core exercises and good diet to reveal your hard work. Once you reach your goal here, you only need a consistent weekly exercise routine AND diet to keep what you have worked for. You should not need to continuously bulk and then cut.


Pushups will get your heart rate up no matter how many you do. But if you want to "push it" then you could start training towards doing high reps or at least 6 sets with 20 plus reps in each set, gradually shorting the breaks in between.


You can do pushups anywhere on a stable surface. This is an amazing bodyweight exercise. So cut your excuses about not having the money for gym membership. Start your own gym routines in your own home today! Click the arrow now!


There are so many varieties of pushups you can use to build strength, speed, power, endurance...  Here's just a few different types of pushups: archer, spiderman, diamond, incline, decline, eccentric, weighted, clapping. 


Start by pushing off a wall. Then do the same but a step back.  Push off a bench then a chair and then your knees. Next, do a regular pushup but just the downward part. Finally, push all the way up.... Dont' stop there.



But you do have to start to be great! - Zig Ziglar